Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Since I'm no longer bedridden, I went out the whole day yesterday to refill the nostalgia that bottomed out from weeks of staying at home bumming around. I went to the office to check out the boys (and the new cute engineer), then went to the mall to check out some more boys and went to Karaoke with Sands, Ro, Ritz, A.L., and C (all soon to be in my "who's who part of my blog) (The blue ones are male,the red obviously female)
We talked, had some drinks, and sang (terribly). I haven't found my "what a wonderful world" song. (I can sing it perfectly with the rough voice).
AND I told those guys I'm gay.
Was it Spontaneous? NO. Was there a reason? Well, not really, maybe it was the alcohol, or the stress but I'm pretty sure the blogs I read have influenced me someway somehow. Reading a lot of blogs for the past 2 weeks made me see how much I got lost of the "real life." I have realized that it really takes a real man to say that they are gay (I know that sounds confusing, I hope you guys get my point) The thought of "coming out" had been running around my mind for 2 weeks. Yesterday that thought reached the finished line.
Anyway, Sands and C. knew ever since. So I was just expecting the others to be surprise. I was expecting a jaw dropping eye popping cliché of a surprise from all of them but they all just said "ok"  Followed by the question "what type of gay are you?" Of course I said bi for convenience but I saw their eyes wanting more explanation.
The look in their eyes probably wanted a stereotypical answer. I got this from a blog I follow, (http://carwinscloset.blogspot.com). So here is my stereotypical and "opposed to the stereotypical" description of my gayness (It's easier to stereotype isn't it?):
1. I am a momma's boy
2. I think sports are boring
3. I am brand sensitive
4. I don't love to dance

5. Am very competent in handling machinery
6. I'm always clean
7. I have a trusty girl pal by my side (sands)
8. I don't have a limp wrist
9. I don't bend at my elbows a lot.
10. I'm not a drama queen.
11. I don't dress in drag (never)
12. I am into watersports.
13.  I don't have aids.
14 I won't die of aids
15. I didn't caused Aids
16. I don't deserve to have Aids
17. I don't think of sex 24/7
18. I can maintain a long term relationship
19. I have more sex than straight men.
20. I don't LOVE Madonna (and Judy Garland. Britney Spears is fairly popular too)
21 I'm not feminine and I don't want to be a woman.
22 I hang out with straight boys more than girls.
23.  I want kids
24. I don't always wear v-neck tight shirts. Nor do I love wearing skinny jeans
25 I don't style my hair a lot.
26. I have been involved with performing arts
27. I don't say “oh my god” and “like” all the time. I don't talk fast or say "girlfriend" or "sweetie" either.
28. I don't have any piercings
29. I'm not a child molester and I was not molested when I was a child.
30. I'm not attracted to every guy I see.
31. I don't think pink is my favorite color
32. I drink, swear and fuck like a straight man.
33. I don't have a high pitched voice.
34. And I don't listen to techno.
But don't get it wrong, I'm not completely out. I will soon find out if rumors are really fast. I gotta go to bed it's  5:30Am here.


  1. what? I don't sing terribly!

  2. neither do i! and pls change my name or we're over. haha -C

  3. oh cool. you've been involved in performing arts? which one?

  4. Too bad Jack coz you know I've always been physically attracted to you :( NAHH! JUST KIDDING! I am here for you as always and no other woman or man for that matter, can ever love you better than I do! You know what I mean :) Could you be more discreet with my name? It's unfair! Hahaha

  5. @ Ro: I know you don't. But all of us altogether (myself included and sands) sang terribly.

    @ anonymous 1 (obviously C): Sorry C. I thought you were B.

    @Anonymous 2(sorry I'm not sure yet who you are): yeah, some pornos and.... kidding. Acting but not professionally

    @anonymous 3 (obviously sands): sorry sands we're really gonna be stuck in being friends forever (live with that). The idea of us being together is like Meatballs and peanut butter salad..

  6. OMG!!! I know and I love it that way!!!! :) I AM SO NOT SORRY AT ALL :) I don't see myself waking up every morning with you on my side and thank God for that! Hahaha I love you as one of my dearest friends. Cheers!

  7. I hate you! I am not THAT terrible of a singer!
